Hoyt St. / Electric Vehicle Product Launch
Great Products Still Need Great Ads.
ELECTRIC SKATEBOARDS CAN REPLACE YOUR FERRARI. / As avid consumers of exciting products both innovative and thrilling, Moto folks love even more when we get the chance to work with them. So when we got the call to help a local shop with a beautiful product make their next product launch hit bigger, we bit. With so much to say about technology, specifications, features and benefits it became quickly apparent that the challenge was ‘what to say when’ rather than ‘what do we say?’ We honed in on the key phrases that would bring in the early adopters with Google Ads and Meta promoted posts. But we spent special time focused on the critical bit that would capture the biggest audience: the video advertised on Googles video network. With a launch video and follow up feature pieces, Hoyt saw a tremendous increase in their website traffic. And now the next challenge comes: what’s the latest from Hoyt Skate?
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—Jeff Johnson, Founder