Oscar Overlanding / Camping Product Logo Design
Overlanding shoppers are some of the most passionate we've studied.
THOUGH NO SHOPPER BEATS THE PASSION OF DOG OWNERS. / Our team lives the life of camping, exploring and outdoor discovery. So we were the obvious choice to lead the charge to create the brand behind an innovative new product for overland travelers. With a brand energy that's tied to the off-road Tacoma owner and features of security, capability and the ultimate in convenience, we saw a magic solution in typography. With naming inspired by Oscar the shepherd, we designed a logo combination that speaks volumes to their target market. And, nevermind that old adage that says 'never use a dog in advertising.' Whoever said that must never have known the magic behind their silly smiles.
“You guys crushed it! I am blown away!“
—Arik Ohlson, Founder
Also / Brand Strategy / Website Design / Product Photography / Video Spot