Motoventure Films / Consumer Package Design
Consumer Package Design Can Tell Stories in Ways that Movies Can't
MOVIE PACKAGING SELLS THE EXPERIENCE / It's easy to sell a great product. But what if your product isn't really the thing in the box, but the promise of inspiring quest to fulfill a life-long dream? Moto met the challenge of helping to sell these adventure documentaries by showing the passion, tension, excitement and ultimate satisfaction that comes from completing an epic trip. We'd say it was difficult, but they gave us such rich material to work with, it truly was a matter of tuning in to what adventure motorcyclists crave most.
"Wow, you've really done it. People are going to think it was alot more play to make than it was. I'd buy that! Really nice work."
—Brian VanBuskirk, Co-Founder, Motoventure Films
Also / Brand Strategy / Brand Design / Brand Website